2024 Strategic Plan
Create a thriving and sustainable organization
Evolve from a founder- to a strong board-led organization that is fully representative of the communities in which we work + advocate for
Create policies and procedures to support staff health + wellbeing
as well as knowledge transfer + sharingDevelop + launch robust volunteer and internship programs
Identify a permanent home for LSA to become a community hub + resource
Expand transportation-focused community engagement services to the state level
Diversify and grow revenue
Build a movement for safer streets
Develop + launch a Vision Zero campaign to end roadway deaths in Tucson
Mobilize + organize families through a Families for Safe Streets model
Build a coalition involving new partners and allies
Advocate for the adoption of a binding Vision Zero policy by the City of Tucson
Advocate for an accessible, reliable, robust transit system
Build power in coalition with other transit allies
Advocate for Tucson Mayor & Council to identify + adopt permanent funding for transit above and beyond what is currently needed
Inform Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) alignment + design to be supportive of affordable housing + equitable development
Advocate for Zero Displacement policy adoption as part of Equitable Transit Oriented Development
Ensure “complete streets” is funded and implemented
Provide clear and consistent advocacy to elected officials when funding + policy decisions are made
Keep the public informed + mobilized on funded projects as needed
Advocate for Tucson Dept. of Transportation & Mobility (DTM) to establish Complete Streets performance measures
Support DTM in the creation of a clear and accessible quick-build implementation process and policies
Partner with the City to move forward transportation actions identified in Tucson Resilient Together
Ensure RTA Next is in alignment with complete streets priorities; if not, advocate + mobilize in support of a Tucson-only ballot measure
Make the possible visible
Reduce Cyclovia Tucson’s dependency on LSA; Secure long term buy-in & commitment to an Open Streets program from the City of Tucson
Launch a Cyclovita (mini open streets) program
Double the number of Safe Routes to School partner schools we’re building power + culture with
Launch Safe Routes to School activities at 20 schools (bike clubs, bike buses, walking school buses, etc.)
Deliver Riders & Walkers presentations in every 3rd grade classroom in Tucson
Host fun and inclusive bimonthly rides, walks, and activities that get people comfortable and excited about biking, walking, and transit
Cultivate the next generation of transportation advocates & leaders
Develop + launch a standing advocacy training program (ex: monthly advocacy hour)
Create + disseminate toolkits for: quick-builds, safe routes, open streets events
Build out a podcast + storymap to capture the histories of Tucson’s streets