Business + Corporate Partnership Opportunities
Become a visionary partner of Living Streets Alliance!
Let’s define Tucson’s future as urban, sustainable, and multi-modal.
A place where people enjoy unparalleled access to the outdoors and can connect easily with work, play, and each other on a dynamic transportation network for the 21st century. A City that’s great to experience at every age, as an 8-year-old kid and an 80-year-old adult.
In addition to 80,000+ individuals engaged across the community annually through events like Cyclovia Tucson and programs like Safe Routes to School, Living Streets Alliance engages thousands more through multiple social media platforms.
Our followers are active, engaged, and care about Tucson.
As a business or corporate partner, you’ll gain broad exposure and association with LSA programs and events that Tucsonans have come to love and follow.
Your business support will make it clear that you value and align with a Tucson that:
Addresses climate change
Commits to ensring the safety of everyone
Is an urban destination and great place to live, work, and play
Prioritizes the health and well-being of individuals, families, and entire neighborhoods.
“As a long time Tucson business owner, I work to attract and retain great people. In order to do that we need a vibrant city that people want to live in; we see more and more that has to do with streets—people want to be able to bike, walk, and have safe options. Living Streets Alliance has led this effort for years, working to include voices and needs from all over Tucson. We’re proud to support their work, as an investment for our community and our business.”
As a Business / Corporate Partner of Living Streets Alliance, you’ll enjoy annual benefits and recognition opportunities associated with the following levels:
Community Partner $500
One (1) dedicated social media post (IG & FB) with your input/approval
Your hyperlinked logo on our Business Partnership website page
Recognition in our Annual Report
City Advocate $1,000
Community Partner perks
One (1) standard addition
Neighborhood Ambassador $2,000
Community Partner perks
One (1) premium addition or two (2) standard additions
Thought Leader $5,000
Community Partner perks
Two (2) premium additions and all standard additions
Visionary $7,500
Community Partner perks
Three (3) premium additions and all standard additions
One (1) exclusive addition
Standard Addition
Physical placement on Cyclovia Tucson route
Your hyperlinked logo on our website home page
A second dedicated social media post with opportunity to co-design
Your business highlighted in one (1) e-newsletter
Premium Addition
Physical placement on Cyclovia Tucson route and logo featured on the Cinco for Cyclovia game card
Logo placement in LSA’s e-newsletter for one year
Walkability / Bikeability assessment around your business
Mobile Bike Repair at your business with social media promotion
Underwrite two (2) Mobile Bike Repairs in locations of your choice with social media promotion
Two-hour bicycle tour of select Tucson neighborhoods
Exclusive Addition
Collaboration on a local event with your business at the center
Guidance and support to implement a low-cost infrastructure project specific to your business
Full service Bike Valet during one (1) company event
Quarterly lunch and learns with staff to educate about personal and city-wide transportation
When you join Living Streets Alliance, you’re in good company
View/Download our Business + Corporate Membership Opportunities brochure