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National Week Without Driving

October 2 - 8, 2023

There are many reasons why nearly one-third of all people living in the United States cannot drive, and those of us who can often have a hard time putting ourselves in their shoes. That’s why we're joining advocates from across the country and encouraging Tucson’s participation in the first-ever National Week Without Driving (NWWD) - October 2nd to 8th, 2023.

A week without driving challenges participants to learn about transportation inequity firsthand & urges the public, and especially local leaders, to spend a week without a car to better understand the many barriers faced by non-drivers in our communities.

Could YOU go a #WeekWithoutDriving?

How to participate:

  1. Take the Living Streets Alliance NWWD pledge here.

  2. Share your NWWD (or everyday non-driver) experience and observations with us.

    (A form will be emailed to you when you take the pledge, or you can email observations, images or videos to

  3. Share your experience on social media throughout the week using the #WeekWithoutDriving hashtag, and let your friends and family know about NWWD.*

* Please keep in mind that the Week Without Driving is an opportunity to learn about the mobility experience and barriers faced by non-drivers whose car-free status is grounded in necessity - not choice. This event is not a celebration of car-free living and commuting by choice, nor is it an opportunity to reduce your typical travel, as that would defeat the purpose of putting yourself in the shoes of a non-driver.

About the cause

As the event name implies, the idea is to go without driving for one week and to pay close attention to how your mobility and access within our city are limited as a result. We especially encourage our local elected leaders to participate - sending a message that they care about the more than 100 million people, including their many regional constituents, who need policies and infrastructure that support driving alternatives.

Please join us to better understand what it’s like to rely solely and by necessity on walking, wheelchairs, multi-modal transport, ride-sharing, and/or public transit - as millions of people who are too young or old to drive, have different abilities, and/or can’t afford cars or fuel, do every day.

Learn More on our blog>>

Take the LSA - NWWD Pledge>>

Living Streets Alliance would like to thank the National Coalition for a Week Without Driving - America Walks, Access Living, and Front and Centered for organising this crucial initiative.

September 30

Pueblo Gardens Block Painting Party

October 14

Cyclovia Route Preview Ride