Photo by Mamta Popat
Highlights from our pilot mini-open streets event: Cyclovita
After every one of our Cyclovia Tuson events, we hear from participants who want more—more chances to come together in the streets, car-free and carefree. This feedback inspired us to pilot our very first Cyclovita, a smaller-scale Cyclovia, in one of the neighborhoods we love: Amphi. On December 7th we closed down .75 miles of street in the southern part of the Amphi neighborhood and opened it up for people. Our shortest route yet was filled with diverse languages, delicious food, live music, community resources, and—of course—people in joyful motion.
Read a full recap of the day and check out photos by clicking below.
RTA Next is on the horizon: what you need to know
One of the potentially biggest decisions ever made about transportation funding for our region is going to take place this year. RTA Next will be on the ballot in November with a $2.64 BILLION package of proposed transportation projects for Tucson area voters to consider. If it passes, it will lock the region into delivering on whatever projects are included within it. It will dictate what gets built—and therefore what likely won't have the funding to get built—for the next twenty years!
Our take on the current draft RTA Next Plan is that it falls short. Among other things, it lacks robust investment in traffic safety, complete streets, and transit that Tucsonans want, need, and deserve. Thankfully, there's still time to shape it. A Public Survey is available through this Friday, January 31st, where you can weigh in on what's being proposed. (We've even created a handy cheat-sheet to help align your answers with Living Streets Alliance's vision and mission.)
In theory, the RTA Board will review public feedback from the survey and decide whether to modify the current package to make it more attractive to voters. Sharing your feedback and priorities could very well help reform the project list and bring it into alignment with community biking/walking/transit/complete streets priorities.
Click below to learn more about RTA, view our cheat sheet, then take the survey. Don't wait - the survey deadline is this Friday, January 31!
Bicycle Education Clinics
The following Mobile Bike Repair clinics are scheduled in partnership with area schools. If your family attends one of these schools, make sure to contact the front office to reserve your slot! We'll provide basic bicycle maintenance and youth bicycle helmets for FREE. Made possible by the City of Tucson Department of Transportation and Mobility.
Tuesday, January 28, from 5 - 6:30 PM
Mission View Elementary School
2600 S 8th Ave (85713)
Thursday, February 13, from 3:30 - 6:30 PM
TUSD Southwest Family Resource Center
6855 S Mark Rd (85757)
Tuesday, February 18, 6 - 8 PM
Maldonado Elementary
3535 W Messala Way (85746)
Volunteer Night with LSA
THIS Thursday, January 30, from 5 - 7 PM
Living Streets Alliance
439 N 6th Avenue, Suite 201
Help us get ready for a busy spring with Safe Routes to School and Cyclovia Tucson prep. We'll also share a brief preview of the year ahead and give an update on urgent advocacy issues like RTA Next.
You can count on good food and wonderful company. Please RSVP so we know to save you a spot!
Last chance to weigh in on Plan Tucson
The City's General Plan update—Plan Tucson—is close to being done, with a nearly final draft ready for review by you. Why is this plan important? The City uses Plan Tucson as a justification and a point of reference to start from for everything from considerations about where growth should happen and what it should look like to what kinds of water policies we should adopt.
You can review the full draft online. Make sure to take a look at the sections on transportation and streets (pages 154-163 of the draft) and weigh in if you have any key edits or suggestions to incorporate before the Plan gets adopted by Mayor & Council.
Review the draft Plan here and make sure to share feedback by this Friday, January 31st by clicking below.
Weigh in on the Camino Miramonte - Palo Verde Bicycle Boulevard
Tucson's Bicycle Boulevard network continues taking shape, with the Camino Miramonte - Palo Verde project development. This Prop 407-funded route will utilize low-volume residential streets, creating a north/south route from Kleindale Road to the Aviation Bikeway for a total of 5.5 miles. It will connect 3 parks, 2 schools, and multiple neighborhoods. Learn more about it here.
Right now, the Dept. of Transportation & Mobility (DTM) is seeking input on the draft design for the corridor. If you commute by bicycle in Tucson, want to see the Bicycle Bouelvard network connected + completed, or live in the general project area, please make sure to weigh in! DTM has set up an interactive feedback tool for the draft design. Click the button below to see the design and weigh in.
Additionally, if you live in El Encanto or Julia Keen neighborhoods, please make sure to attend the meetings below happening this and next week!
El Encanto Neighborhood Meeting
Special Meeting of the El Encanto Neighborhood Association to review plans and share feedback - Open to all El Encanto residents!
(TOMORROW!) Tuesday, January 28, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Ward 6 Office: 3202 E 1st St (85716)
Julia Keen Neighborhood Meeting
Regular Meeting of the Julia Keen Neighborhood Association, with time to review plans and share feedback - Open to all Julia Keen residents!
Thursday, February 6, 6 - 7 PM
Hardesty Midtown Multi-Service Center: 1100 S Alvernon Way (85713)
Should the RTA tax be extended? Three residents share their transit visions for Pima County
Cars, buses and bikes. We [AZ Luminaria] break down the proposed projects currently available for public feedback through meetings and a survey.
Gigantic SUVs are a public health threat. Why don’t we treat them like one?
Much like secondhand smoke, driving a gigantic vehicle endangers those who never consented to the danger they face walking, biking, or sitting inside smaller cars...The anti-tobacco playbook could help turn the US public against their beloved oversized cars.
How extreme car dependency is driving Americans to unhappiness
A car is often essential in the US but while owning a vehicle is better than not for life satisfaction, a study has found, having to drive too much sends happiness plummeting