Our Writing
LSA letter of support for keeping ALL transit fare-free
On March 5th Tucson Mayor & Council are considering a recommendation by City staff to reinstate fares for Sun Link (streetcar) and Sun Express transit services. Living Streets Alliance stands firmly behind keeping ALL transit fare-free. Read our letter supporting why.
Update on Spring 2024 Cyclovia Tucson event
Here’s a press release with an update on Tucson’s favorite open streets event, Cyclovia Tucson.
What goes into Strategic Planning? Turns out, a lot!
At the end of 2022, Living Streets Alliance Board and staff launched a year-long strategic planning process to lay the groundwork for LSA’s future. This strategic plan will establish key goal areas and objectives for LSA to focus its energy and resources on for the next 3-5 years. A year later we’re close to wrapping up this extensive process. Here’s what it looked like…
Pedaling the Pueblo 2023 Recap
2023 highlights from Pedaling the Pueblo: our mini-program and podcast, connecting you to bicycle events and updates in Tucson.
Looking back at Cyclovia, Fall 2023
Each Cyclovia event, we work with an awesome group of volunteers to complete our Cyclovia Census—a sample survey of participants. This Fall we surveyed over 200 people along the route. Find out what we learned and relive the day through this blog post recapping highlights from each Activity Hub.
Reflecting on Tucson’s First ‘Week Without Driving’
What can we learn from National Week Without Driving and our Tucson community’s participation in this moment of awareness?
This Sunday is World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
Sunday, November 19 is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, an annual, international event to remember those killed and injured in crashes and to amplify the call for change. Join us in calling attention to the roadway safety crisis and the proven strategies we need to implement to create safe streets for people.
Quick build at 5th & 7th yields safer and more joyful space for all
The intersection of 5th Avenue & 7th Street just got brighter and safer thanks to a collaboration between LSA and Tenwest Impact Fest.
Amphi Resource Fair
LSA is committed to building community through open streets events - in this case by bringing resources to the Amphi Community via a collaboration with Literacy Connects and other organisations dedicated to helping refugees and local people meet basic needs such as healthcare and education.
Pueblo Gardens Block Party, A Welcome Return to Community
Reflecting on our “Quick Build” at Pueblo Gardens PreK-8. Learn more about this community project that began with a grant from the Safe Routes to School Partnership back in 2016.
Press Release: Pueblo Gardens - Block Party, Sat, Sept 30, 2023
Pueblo Gardens PreK-8 Block Party press release
Pueblo Gardens - Seven Years of Safe Routes to School & Community Building
This month we’ll install the final street mural in an effort to calm traffic around Pueblo Gardens PreK-8. Learn more about how it started and check out photos from our very first street murals created with the community back in 2016.
National Week Without Driving - a bit of history
National Week Without Driving has a story which lies close to Tucson’s heart. We’re delighted to be able to share this history, and participate in this initiative coming the week of October 2.
20th Cyclovia Tucson, Fall 2023 - Press Release
Proudly Announcing our 20th Cyclovia - Tucson open streets event - Fall 2023, Downtown - Amphi
LSA Team summer 2023 comings + goings
Meet LSA’s two newest staff members and join us in thanking Valerie for her years of dedication and support.
Introducing the first-ever National Week Without Driving
This October people across the country are encouraged to give up driving for a week in order to better understand what it’s like to try to navigate their communities without the privilege of driving.
Checking in with Pedaling the Pueblo
First 6 months of 2023 highlights from Pedaling the Pueblo: a mini-program and podcast connecting you to bicycle events and updates in Tucson.
State of Transit, Summer 2023
Tucson’s Mayor & Council voted to extend fare-free transit. In order to keep improving the system, there is more work to do.
Complete Streets in Tucson: what now, what next?
Tucson has made major strides towards implementing Complete Streets since the policy was adopted in 2019, and yet, there’s still a long way to go. Find out which portions of the policy have yet to gain traction.