Our Writing
New Report Recognizes Tucson’s Complete Street Policy as One of Best in the Nation!
Smart Growth America just released a new report ranking over 150 Complete Streets policies across the nation. Tucson’s right at the top. Find out why.
Cyclovia Spring 2023 Highlights
This April, 3.5 miles of streets along the Lost Barrio — Himmel Park route came alive with people on bikes, walking, pushing strollers, skating, and above all—connecting with their community. Our 19th Cyclovia Tucson event provided a car-free day full of movement, music, food and fun to tens of thousands of people.
Press Release: National Bike Month — Cyclovia encourages everyday bicycling
May 1st is the start of National Bike Month. Cyclovia provides the perfect conditions for trying out a car-lite lifestyle—one that’s less dependent on personal vehicles and better for our communities and the environment.
Big win for 1st Ave Complete Street + signs of movement at the RTA
After years of frustration, last month's meeting of Regional Council produced positive legal actions for the completion of current RTA projects, as well as the development of RTA Next. Both were critical to furthering Tucsonans' vision for an equitable and climate-resilient transportation future.
What’s happening with 5th/6th Street?
Two separate initiatives are about to pump money into upgrading 5th/6th Street, one to make it more walkable and the other to enhance safety. Now is an important time to weigh in with your input on how they take shape. Find out why…
In support of zoning for neighborhood walkability and small-scale infill
Living Streets Alliance supports code amendments to simplify Planning & Zoning processes, promote small-scale infill, and reduce mandatory parking minimums. These amendments have potential to increase housing stock and affordability, while creating more walkable, livable streets in Tucson.
In Support of Free Transit in Tucson
Tucson is one of many cities considering making public transit free, permanently. LSA supports keeping transit zero-fare as an investment in economic & racial justice, our shared climate future, and safer, more hospitable streets for all.
We’re hiring! Join the team as LSA’s Bike Initiatives Coordinator
LSA is seeking an energetic, creative, outgoing, and resourceful team member to serve as Bike Initiatives Coordinator and grow our many activities and initiatives that support and encourage biking, walking, scooting, rolling, and using public transit.
A Few Thoughts On Traffic Fatalities, Media Reporting, And Victim Blaming
Traffic fatalities have been increasing in Tucson with a staggering rise in pedestrian fatalities in 2022. Meanwhile, media reporting of these tragedies fails to acknowledge that our streets are “dangerous by design” while falling in the trap of victim blaming.
Thrive in the 05 Recap
Over the past year, LSA has partnered with three different communities and artists in the 85705 zip code to facilitate quick-build projects that combine traffic calming treatments with murals painted on the street.
Cyclovia 2022 Highlights
2022 marked our biggest season of Open Streets yet, with a 90,000 people of all ages attending two Cyclovia Tucson events. Check out other benchmarks and highlights collected through Cyclovia Census, our participant survey, in a fun infographic, hot off the press.
Pedaling the Pueblo Highlights
2022 highlights from Pedaling the Pueblo: a mini-program and podcast connecting you to bicycle events and updates in Tucson.
Road Diets 101
A Road Diet, sometimes called a “roadway reconfiguration” or “rightsizing”, is a transportation design treatment that involves re-striping a stretch of a roadway to remove travel lanes and reallocate that space for other uses such as left turn lanes, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, pedestrian crossing islands, and landscaping. Find out more about how they are a great tool for improving traffic safety.
Three intersections in Tucson now calmer and more colorful, thanks to paint, planters, and people-power
Last month we had the joy of implementing Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper projects with community in two different locations in Tucson, including one in the heart of downtown. The results are absolutely beautiful!
Cyclovia Sunday: What to know before you go
Living Streets Alliance invites people of all ages and abilities to Cyclovia Tucson on Sunday, October 30th from 9 AM to 3 PM. Presented by Arizona Complete Health, this four-mile block party is free to the public! Before you go, here are five things to know
Quick-Build 102
Last month we did a primer on quick-builds, giving an overview of what they are and why they exist. This month we’re taking a deeper dive, looking at some of the different kinds of quick-build projects that we’ve utilized in Tucson and their function in calming traffic and enhancing safety.
Hundreds of activities at Cyclovia in October
During Cyclovia Tucson neighbors, sponsors, and community organizations set up activities all along the route to contribute to a full, dynamic day. Games, food trucks, music, giveaways, and much more await you at the biggest block party in Arizona.
Barrio Blue Moon Neighbors to Transform Intersection at Block Painting Party
On Saturday, October 1st Living Streets Alliance and the Barrio Blue Moon neighborhood will host a special community block party, inviting residents and friends to transform the intersection of Helen Street and 14th Avenue.
Meet our fall 2022 semester interns
Lydia Barker-Winkworth, Leo Solis and Vanessa King are joining us this fall!