Our Writing
Quick Build 101
By now you’ve probably come across the phrase “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper (LQC)” in news articles and blog posts focused on urban planning. It’s an approach to place-making/place-keeping that’s all about making community-visioned changes on the ground happen quickly and in a way that’s inclusive and flexible. Find out how…
Preview concepts for the 6th Avenue Asphalt Art mural
View three preliminary concepts and color palettes for the 6th Ave Asphalt Art murals, created by Tucson artist Yu Yu Shiratori, and vote for your favorite.
Tucson ranks 13th most dangerous metropolitan area in the nation for people on foot
Smart Growth America released their annual Dangerous by Design report and the safety of people on foot in Tucson has gotten worse. Check out our brief overview capturing the highlights and download the full report.
New and worsening climate outcomes when communities stay focused on electric vehicles
There are a suite of environmental threats that EVs fail to address, as well as threats they introduce or exacerbate. The impacts of adding new cars and new car infrastructures to the existing situation, will accelerate environmental collapse where it claims to be halting it.
Living Streets Alliance presents ‘Cyclovia Tucson Thrive in the 05,’ an all new route
Living Streets Alliance is pleased to announce that on Sunday, October 30 from 9:00am to 3:00pm, Cyclovia Tucson will take place on a new route connecting Dunbar Spring, Barrio Blue Moon, Old Pascua, Bronx Park, Sugar Hill and Feldman’s neighborhoods.
The electric vehicle "revolution" is status quo for cities
From Super Bowl commercials to conversations in The White House, electric vehicles (EV) seem to have many Americans charged up. The mass adoption of EVs has been called a "revolution," but can a solution that maintains the status quo of car culture and infrastructure really be thought of as revolutionary?
Over two months, we'll examine EVs potential impact on our cities and on broader climate change goals.
Our letter in support of reduced parking requirements via Individual Parking Plans
The City of Tucson is proposed chances that would help reduce parking requirements to support affordable housing and outdoor seating for local businesses. We’re highly supportive of this. See our letter to Tucson Mayor & Council explaining why.
Safe Routes to School recap: it’s good to be back!
The end of the spring 2022 semester marked eight years of Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programming here at Living Streets Alliance. After so much uncertainty with the pandemic, we felt especially grateful for this past year, back in school and reconnecting with kids, families, and program partners. Here’s what it looked like…
Spring 2022 Cyclovia Census highlights
March 27th saw our biggest Cyclovia Tucson turnout yet! Check out this infographic with some highlights and benchmarks captured through our Cyclovia Census participant survey.
City of Tucson exploring Vision Zero: Could it work?
At their May 3rd Study Session Tucson Mayor & City Council discussed the value in becoming part of the Vision Zero Network as a way to address the growing number of serious crashes and fatalities on Tucson’s roadways. Vision Zero is a framework and approach that has proven successful in other countries, but has yet to see similar results here in the U.S. The key: a city’s commitment to it can’t be watered down in policy or in practice.
Developing a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) for the City
Buro Happold has been chosen to develop a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) for the City built on equity and community partnership – especially frontline communities that are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Living Streets Alliance is the local advocacy organization to lead community engagement and partnership efforts throughout the development of this plan.
Say YES to safer, smoother streets: vote YES on Prop 411
Proposition 411 is our opportunity to fund smoother neighborhood streets and safe connections for people biking, walking, and rolling. Find out how…
Tucson Norte-Sur: Exploring a Path for Equitable Transit-Oriented Development
In January 2022, the City of Tucson kicked off an initiative called Tucson Norte-Sur to develop an equitable transit-oriented development (eTOD) strategic plan. Learn more about the initiative and LSA’s role in it.
Cyclovia Sunday: What to know before you go
After 2.5 years, Cyclovia Tucson is back for a five-mile-long block party connecting Downtown Tucson and the City of South Tucson.. Before you go, here are five things to know
Cyclovia Sunday: An opportunity to try new transportation modes
With rising gas prices, this Sunday’s Cyclovia Tucson event is the perfect opportunity to try a day without a car. Join families and community members making their way car-free to Cyclovia, to enjoy the five-mile block party.
Hundreds of activities at Cyclovia, here’s what’s featured
During Cyclovia Tucson neighbors and community organizations set up activities all along the route to contribute to a full, dynamic day. Community partners bring games, giveaways, and good times for you and your friends and family to enjoy during this one-day event.
Safe Route to School: Building bike skills + confidence at Los Amigos Tech
For a child, cultivating the skills of building and fixing a bike goes beyond their utility and becomes something much bigger. Students practice problem-solving skills, gain self-confidence and build leadership skills through the Youth Earn-a-Bike program at Bicycle Inter-Community Art & Salvage (BICAS)
Making Nontraditional Community Engagement the Norm
These days, more and more government entities are starting to recognize that the traditional model of community engagement is structured to amplify privileged voices. Living Streets Alliance is helping to broaden avenues of engagement by centering community conversation around fun and family-friendly events at neighborhood parks.
Cyclovia Remix hosts University of Arizona arts oasis pop-up party
Cyclovia Remix hosts the final group bike ride and pop-up event with co-hosts from UArizona Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona Museum of Art, Catalyst Studios, and Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research.
Our argument in support of Proposition 411 | Nuestro apoyo a la Proposición 411
This May, Tucson voters will have the opportunity to vote on Proposition 411, a proposal to fund transportation safety improvements and resurface neighborhood streets. Read LSA’s official position statement.